Heart Attacks and Strokes

how to spot a stroke This month we are going to cover two topics that have been close to many peoples lives, Strokes and Heart Attacks. Strokes and Heart Attacks are caused in the same way, where a blood clot blocks blood flow to the brain or Heart. Both can happen at any age, due to undiagnosed heart conditions, medication and diet choices.Strokes A blood clot stopping oxygen to the brain.

You need to act FAST!

  • F – Face – Has the face dropped on one side?
  • A – Arms – Has it become difficult to lift the arms normally?
  • S – Speech – Has speech become difficult to understand?
  • T – Time to call 999

Do not delay, professional care is needed as soon as possible. Place the person in a comfortable position, with the face to one side (injured side down). Most people may experience these symptoms in varying levels, so if you notice any of the above, make sure you go to hospital and get checked out. It may be a scare, or a mini Stroke before a more major one occurs. If unconscious, please in the recovery position, injured side down until professional help arrives.

spot a heart attack Heart Attacks Can be caused in a number of ways, but normally due to a blood clot effecting blood flow to the heart. Signs and Symptoms * Central Chest Pains – The person is clutching their chest or complaining of a tightening around the chest * Tingling, or shooting pains down one arm, normally the left, but can be the right arm. *Shortness of breath *feeling sick or being sick * an overwhelming sense of anxiety (similar to having a panic attack) * feeling light headed * coughing * wheezing Call 999 if you notice any of these signs and symptoms, do not delay, as every second counts. Place the person in a half sitting position, with their head and shoulders raised and knees bent. Be prepared to carry out Basic Life Support. To find out more, and to get first hand experience on how to carry out Basic Life support in practical learning, contact a local first aid provider today.